I'm saving it, it's hidden.
I'm treasuring it, it's save.
No one will be given.
Until it'll forced to take.
Some of the lost pain are inside.
While the rest still undercover.
When you still want it to be divide.
I'll take a luck from my clover.
My friend, it's all about you.
The paths you've walked, it's behind you.
I know what's the most of you is true.
I'm so sorry when I feel the most of blue.
You gave me the inspire.
Hold me up high, high up to the sky.
You hold my hands, take me out of my grave.
And then I finally realized, of my dreams and how to fight.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
New Days
When the new day has born, let me tell you the secret.
When The December come, let me tell you about it.
When the end is as a start of a something new, you'll know.
Struggles, anger, sadness and tears are past.
Will define something better in the future,
will struggles for good things and hopes,
will pour my anger to lightening up the others,
will cry and give my tear.. only for joy and happiness.
Seeing the days behind us, will only detain on what we do.
Don't just sit and give up to destiny, you never know if it's really exist or don't,
don't just fold your fingers and pray like there's o tomorrow.
Stand up and fight for the new days, that's the only thing you can do to pass them.
New days, are reborn
with new hopes..
-it will be my birthday at the 21st ♥-
When The December come, let me tell you about it.
When the end is as a start of a something new, you'll know.
Struggles, anger, sadness and tears are past.
Will define something better in the future,
will struggles for good things and hopes,
will pour my anger to lightening up the others,
will cry and give my tear.. only for joy and happiness.
Seeing the days behind us, will only detain on what we do.
Don't just sit and give up to destiny, you never know if it's really exist or don't,
don't just fold your fingers and pray like there's o tomorrow.
Stand up and fight for the new days, that's the only thing you can do to pass them.
New days, are reborn
with new hopes..
-it will be my birthday at the 21st ♥-
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
My friend, it's been a long journey.
Remember how we got until that day?
Do you remember how's the first we got along? Become a good friends?
Are those beautiful and painful days and moments still remain in your head?
Did you enjoyed the days we've been trough together?
We've talked much about family, friendship and dreams.
You helped me a lot trough the way, and so do I, if you feel like you've been helped, of course.
We've sang a never ending song, with a deaf tones and beautiful lyrics.
Do you ever regret all those time you spent with me?
I don't like I've been in a hard time with you, but if you do, forgive me.
If there's something I can do to make it up, I will, tell me.
But, like everybody said, it's hard to make a best friend, a true friend.
Looks the line's fading slowly, and vanish.
Woosh! Just like that.
Can you feel it? I tried to get along with you one more time.
You were there, with your .. 'friends', I was there too. But this time, I'm invisible to you.
I was a stranger, you wouldn't look at me. I wonder what were you thinking that day.
I really wonder..
I hope you notice, I cross my finger and pray.
I hope the nightmares I've used to get, isn't true.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Unfinished letter
This is it, the start of autumn, which ended our friendship.
I used to see your smile everyday, you were there in the middle seat,
cheering like crazy, made me happy.
I can always only see you from the distance. Everything, ever moments you do,
was so important to me. Maybe this fear or this puny courage which holds me back.
I wasn't ever try until....
Wondering how she felt when you touch her palms, smiling to her only, your world seemed
focused to her now. I was gazing trough the window until you called my name,
you know what, you almost made me fall of my chair, haha.. I couldn't see your face back then,
I was too nervous I think. I didn't say anything, I couldn't hear what you were asking me,
all I felt was my tears, fell of.
I'm sorry, I started like this, it's just like something stuck in your mind and you don't know how to
get them out. I just want to apologize. Now we're adults, and..
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sweet Memory
You do remind me who I am,
you realized me what I'll become,
if I stay like this,
in the corner, with no sound, no hope, no glory.
You're on your knees,
crawling towards me, with your guitar, sitting next to me,
your fingers, plays the melody,
you whisper your lyric to my ears,
sounds like heaven.
You whisper your dreams, your future,
your will, your happy days, your memories,
everything you pour, sounds so sweet,
touch my heart, touch my heart.
With all of your dreamy dreams like that,
I asked my self, how could you fall in this empty human in me?
(Deep desperate in my heart, touch it, change me)
Again, you doesn't stop giving me hope, trough your melodies,
even without lyric, it touched my heard,
hold these tears so it won't come out
the melody's stopped...
it feels tender and soft.
This will be my first sweet memory.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Dreams and Soul
As you can see,
I am fading,
I can't feel what I feel anymore,
I don't know the reason for sure,
cool air does drag me,
from the inside, making a big hole,
a black hole,
sucking my soul right away.
Now I'm empty,
as you notice the difference,
time's ticking without moving,
water dripping without flows,
wind blow, without air,
out of everyone's mind, I know,
doesn't make any sense for sure,
and if you know, that's the point.
I come and go,
and I just realize,
I'm nothing without dreams and soul,
I'm only a piece of meat, named that move around,
without dreams or soul..
I'm emptyMonday, November 16, 2009
Nighty lull
For the gone past, I rhyme
I went deeper for this heart will
hard I try to pacify
it's all for you to heal
I framed the crime you did
not to me nor you, but to the world
dreamed wishes that is untrue
in the dark I remember the past,
as a lull.. I love rain
Dark clouds, sound of heavy winds..
This day, the day I've pray from yesterday, has come.
Drips of water falls, running through my head, cheek, chin, slowly.
People's chattering, increasing their steps, while I try to decrease mine.
Dark, the pretty collage of shallow moons from above, moving faster and faster.
The smell of wet ground which I love, reminds me of you.
Wet and dirty jeans.
With bare feet I step on your grass, where you don't allow it, actually.
But I dare myself, for this time, cause this is my time, where I can do what I want and fail like I want, cause I know the rain will go through my heart too, erase all my guilt, regrets and wash my broken heart off.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Drown me to your love babe,
even it's only one second.
Draw me to your heart,
you won't whine cause the pain.
Think it's a dream,
while your eyes open.
Can you now get what I feel?
Yes, a heart that pinned,
hanging half way out,
painful, but I'm strong,
don't have any excuse for what I've done,
what's done, is a memory.
Drown me, love me,
don't whine, no excuse,
I exist I told you, to be love,
the truth don't say it, but I know..
drown me
Falling questions
It's you there when I close my eyes,
I choose to stand here where I am,
so don't you move alright,
I imagine that you haven't ran.
While the fall is in the air,
I clap my hands so you don't scare,
of this beauty of this image,
stop the time, only cause this age.
Is it late to say goodbye?
Is it to early to say hello?
Do now I have to cry?
Are you the one that I should follow?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Messed up
This is how the story begin,
it's ended right when it's started, again.
Uncounted actions that fail,
wish the moon to go away and sail.
How impossible, they said,
when the time know where they should run,
instead of always being fade,
and then I run, try to catch up the fun.
No worries, tear that drips,
will go as long as the magic's come.
It comes, it goes, it flips,
when you know, you couldn't calm.
Y o u r m i n d . . .
Messed up, messed up,
tryin' to jump, high up to the sky,
reach out something that possible, o' please don't cry,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The shadows
Now the flowers are filling my head.
Ever one time they aren't there, the shadows still remains,
and make stains.
Try to peel 'em up,
erase them,
with curiosity..will it remove completely?
The shadows, the shadows,
haunt my days... I can only smile
It's over
Dreamy days have past,
the one we started with smile, heart beat and hope.
We past it with tiring days.
Hope falls along the way,
as long with the tears.
Shouts and forgiveness we've given are meaningless now.
Now, this day.
We ended with claps and thanks,
the big love came between us,
Filling some holes in our hearts.
This one free day,
may give us the new hope and way.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Hidden happiness
If you're lucky enough, you can find your happiness, right behind that sunshine.
It needs more than sacrifice to get there, fight for it!
Thank you
Thank you for giving me this change.
This change, that comes only once in my life.
I hope this last, not forever,
at least.. until I loose my breath.
Thank you for the opportunity, for your time.
I owe you a big one for this.
Thank you for not letting me down,
even in a second.
Thank you for keeping this feeling,
for trying hard to feel it.
Thank you, for not changing mind,
I know that's the hard part.
Thank you for shut up and reading this,
means a lot to me.
Thank you, thank you, ....
I don't know any word to express my gratitude.
Thank you
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Seven years
Seven years,
Seven years of happy days -
Seven years of prays
Seven years of broken heart -
Seven years sitting in the dark
Seven years of secrets -
Seven years in inverts
Seven years of alerts -
Seven years of being a coward
Seven years of lies, denial -
Seven years of admire
counting.. and still counting,
day by day, went off, with nothing,
from the first time, you, I saw,
sadness and happiness comes right away,
in the same spot, same time,
you know how painful it is?
it's been seven years,
my fault for being a coward,
my fault of being too shy,
hard to step closer, even just only one step, closer
now, your smiles mesmerize me
your smell wake my senses up
you step never fails my eyes to glance at you
I wonder, how happy to be her.
I feel sorry for my self,
I apologize to my self, for being like this, for this last seven years.
Today, I was empty,
but you filled me,
again and again, without knowing you are.
I might be normal outside,
but, inside, I was smiling of joy, love.
Thank you, you made my day
Saturday, October 24, 2009
'As if I go as a dream, will you fight for me?
As if I stay as love, will you keep me?'
Those word's always in my head,
what you told me, when we were a little kids.
Bring back the memories, back,
this mind is giving me peace.
Now I've packed my backpack, filled with missing feelings,
I mark my book, your last quote,
I sit in my cart, nicely,
close my eyes, dark,
you know what?
I can see you, in my head.
Wait for me, I'm coming!
Every time, every seconds,
time's wasted.
It wouldn't froze,
nor created.
You can't go back,
it won't rewind.
Give me your hands,
fold them and bind.
Keep it like that,
the world race, against you,
forget what past,
I'll move with you.Clever girl
'But not every guy with beard and glasses have a girl behind.'
I don't care
'Some says you don't belong to me,
like I care.' Thursday, October 22, 2009
My name is .... would you be my friend?
I am a dreamer.. like the other thousands people in the world,
I love my life, I love my friends, I love my family,
I love my dog, I love my camera, I love music,
I love games, I love pretty little thing...
Sorry, did I talk too much?
It's weird, I never talk this much before,
I guess you are the one.
You're beautiful
"Hang on there my love, you can do it."
Even it's impossible,
it's worth to try.
And when you see the light,
don't close your eye.
Maybe it's blinding,
or maybe it's painful.
But inside, it's beautiful,
even when you see it crying.
Hello my dear,
should we meet once again?
With more open heart,
and eyes wide open.
Yes, don't worry, I can see you, you're beautiful.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
You're gone
What's in your head is a lie
what's in our mind is fake.
You told me to be passion
you gave me temptation.
I've waited, for so long
I could swam in my own tears
I never knew to whom I belong
shuts my eyes cause of these fears
Now you're gone
you're now only a memory
Monday, October 19, 2009
Reminds me if this is a reality, not a dream.
Sometimes I just jump, without knowing or thinking where to land.
Sometime I fly and forgot how to descent.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Random people and friends giving love definitions ♥
You know when people die? ...Yeah that's not love.
Love is internal bleeding and satin lingerie
Love can't be controlled nor can it be forced.
Love can't be questioned and love is desperate.
I want you. I need you.
Makes me smile, makes me laugh.
Makes me sad, makes me cry.
I want you, but I can't have you.
Because you're with someone else when in the past you were with me.
I didn't love you then, I didn't love you before.
But I love you now, when you're far away and gone.
I lost my chance and now I want to start over.
You're back in my life, and now I don't know how to live.
You're back in my life now, and I no longer know how to live.
There are no butterflies in my stomach like when I first met you so many years ago.
Now all I feel is the pain.
You return to me now after so many years.
I want it to be the same.
But it's not. You said to start over.
I said to stop. You can't love me.
But I lied.
I do love you.
Now. -Ash
Love (and sustaining a successful marriage) is a lot like eating an orange.
A set of emotions involving an attraction to other beings,
that has various psychological and biochemical mechanisms but mainly originates
in our reproductive instinct.
What Is Love is a 1993 dance track by the singer Haddaway, popular with club DJs.
Love is being able to hate and adore at the same time.
Love is a Beatles remix album.
Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring.
Love is found in the dictionary under L in between lout and low.
Love is a load of fucking bullshit, and anyone who mentions it in here deserves to be shot.
In the knees and elbows.
A chemical reaction in the brain.
Two people get interested in each other's personalities/physical appearances.
They hit it off, fuck each other madly and wildly, get disinterested and leave each other.
Love is definitely the strongest thing on earth! -Rachmat L
A vagina and a heartbeat.
Something that will last no matter what. -Melisa H
Love is to take and to give. A "Need" to take and to give (share) with another human,
because when we make someone happy we'll feel happier.
And it doesn't have to be in romantic way, even the simplest form of love
(like offer drink to someone, or smile back to someone smiling at you) is "love". - flutist
Love is an illusion created by selfishness in order to find another person tolerable and attractive.
Love is a secondary emotion people have created. People were made for reproduction,
but later in life the idea of love came along.
Thus sexuality came more into the picture as well.
It's basically something people attatch to in hopes of feeling cared for and important.
I'm lucky, I'm numb, I can't feel my pain.
So ironic,
I can't stop hear your painful whispers.
I try to tell you the truth,
but I keep shouting my lie, that we hate each other.
I can't stand looking at your face,
reminds me of our lovely past that... past.
Now I keep telling myself I'm hating you,
so these tears won't come out,
nothing stop me,
cause my pain doesn't alert me,
I'm numb
I'm numb..
Don't Be Scare
When you know there are hopes,
and you have faith.
When you believe magic happens,
and you know there must be solves behind every problems..
Why are you scare?
Friday, October 16, 2009
"There's one time that they become frozen,
hidden, behind the fog.
They made me live, they made me up and down,
and they're hanging in the space,
waiting for the truth comes, once again"
My Mind
Where I regrets myself,
where I cries because of you,
where I keep my little secrets,
where I have nightmares,
where I rest my body,
where you aren't there,
so I can keep you in my head, and missing you,
nights and days.
where I cries because of you,
where I keep my little secrets,
where I have nightmares,
where I rest my body,
where you aren't there,
so I can keep you in my head, and missing you,
nights and days.
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